Fulbright Scholars Program Awardees

2024 - 2025

Jesse Abdenour, New Zealand
Lauren Hallett, Fulbright Global Scholar Program
Melissa Redford, Canada

2022 - 2023

Allen Malony, University of Helsinki, Finland, Computer Science

2020 - 2021

Diana Garvin, Wolfsoniana Museum & Museu do Cafe, Italy & Brazil, Area Studies

2018 - 2019

Nicolas Larco, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile, Architecture
Jerilynn Emily Jackson, University of Iceland, Iceland, Geography
Beth Sheppard, Official Normal Superior School of Guanajuato, Mexico, Language Teaching

2017 - 2018

Brian Klopotek, University of Guadalajara, Mexico, Area Studies
Thomas Payne, Leyte Normal University, Philippines, Linguistics
Michael Fifield, University of Lisbon, Portugal, Architecture

2016 - 2017

Allen Malony, University of Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France, Computer Science

2015 - 2016

Michelle McKinley, University of the Andes, Colombia, Law
Alexander Kleshchev, Max Planck Institute, Germany, Mathematics
Kiersten Muenchinger, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Design
Marc Schlossberg, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, Urban Planning

2013 - 2014

Sung Park, University of Ghana, Ghana, Professional/Other

2012 - 2013

James Goes, University of Pune, India, Business
Lisa Gilman, Mzuzu University, Malawi, Social Sciences
Nicolas Larco, Polytechnical University of Catalonia, Spain, Professional/Other
David Li, University of the Arts London, United Kingdom, Social Sciences

2011 - 2012

Carrie Leonetti, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Law
Gordon Sayre, Universite Laval, Canada, Humanities
Craig Parsons, Institute of Political Studies, France, Social Sciences
Stephen Wooten, University of Bamako, Mali, Social Sciences

2010 - 2011

Virginia Cartwright, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland, Professional/Other
Scott DeLancey, Gauhati University, India, Humanities
Tze-lan Sang, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, Humanities

2009 - 2010

Renee Irvin, Zhongshan University, China, Public Administration
John Miller, Beijing Normal University, China, Psychology
William Rossi, University of Freiburg, Germany, Literature
Dennis Galvan, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal, Political Science
Magid Shirzadegan, Various Institutions, South Korea, Agriculture
Doris Payne, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Linguistics
Marc Schlossberg, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, Urban Planning

2008 - 2009

Philip Scher, University of the West Indies--Cave Hill, Barbados, Anthropology
Lori Kruckenberg, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, Music
Lise Nelson, College of Michoacan, Mexico, Geography

2006 - 2007

Roxi Thoren, Iceland Academy of the Arts, Iceland, Architecture
Patricia Dewey, Utrecht School of the Arts, Netherlands, Public Administration
Richard Emlet, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Biology

2005 - 2006

John McCormack, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Ecuador, Law
Gregory Ringer, University of Montenegro, Montenegro, Geography

2004 - 2005

Daniel Pope, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, History
Stephen Sieberson, Comenius University, Slovak Republic, Law
Laura Fair, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, History

2003 - 2004

Benedict McWhirter, University of Development, Chile, Psychology
Ellen McWhirter, University of Chile, Chile, Psychology
Kenneth Liberman, University of Mysore, India, Sociology
Raymond King, University of Aveiro, Portugal, Business

2002 - 2003

William Rossi, University of Heidelberg, Germany, Literature
Zary Segall, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Computer Science
Anne McLucas, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Music

2001 - 2002

Alan Shanks, Catholic University of ChileChile, Environmental Sciences
Thomas Payne, Russian Academy of Science, Russia, Linguistics
Geraldine Moreno-Black, Burapha University, Thailand, Anthropology
Sarah Klinghammer, Bilkent University, Turkey, Language Teaching

2000 - 2001

Terri Warpinski, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, Israel, Arts

1999 - 2000

Nicholas Witschi, University of Regensburg, Germany, Literature
Sherrie Barr, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, Theater Arts

1998 - 1999

Allen Malony, University of Vienna, Austria, Computer Science
Susan Boynton, University of Rome, Italy, Music

1997 - 1998

Gregory Ringer, Makerere University, Uganda, Geography
Dora Natella, University of the Andes, Venezuela, Arts

1996 - 1997

Diana Abu-Jaber, University of Jordan, Jordan, Language
Thomas Payne, Russia, Linguistics
William Ryan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Communications

1995 - 1996

William Loy, University of Innsbruck, Austria, Geography
Janet Wasko, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Communications
Louise Westling, University of Heidelberg, Germany, Literature
H Steeves, University of Ghana, Ghana, Communications
Daniel Pope, University of Rome, Italy, History

1994 - 1995

Paul Csonka, Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary, Physics
Ralph Salisbury, University of Tromso, Norway, Language
Aletta Biersack, National Research Institute, Papua New Guinea, Anthropology

1993 - 1994

Randi Brox, University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Literature
Paul Csonka, Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary, Philosophy
Doris Payne, University of Nairobi, Kenya, Linguistics
Clifford Sather, University of Malaya, Malaysia, Anthropology
Thomas Givon, Complutense University, Spain, Linguistics

1992 - 1993

Philip Grant, Jozsef Attila University, Hungary, Biology
Dianne Ferguson, University College of Education, Iceland, Education

1991 - 1992

Thomas Payne, Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile, Linguistics
Robert Bennett, Cyprus Ministry of Education, Cyprus, Music
Irene Diamond, University of Poona, India, Political Science
Sarah Douglas, College of Engineering, India, Computer Science
G Brown, University of Trondheim, Norway, Architecture
Anita Weiss, Quaid-I-Azam University (National Institute of Pakistan Studies), Pakistan, Sociology
Richard Morris, Novosibirsk State University, Russia, Anthropology
Harry Wolcott, Kasetsart University, Thailand, Education

1990 - 1991

Sarah Klinghammer, Charles University, Czech Republic, Linguistics
Bruce Barnes, University of Athens, Greece, Mathematics
Helen Steeves, University of Nairobi, Kenya, Communications
Nancy Marwin, University of Gdansk, Poland, Linguistics
Alexandra Bonds, National Institute of the Arts, Taiwan, Theater Arts
Kenneth Ramsing, National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand, Business

1989 - 1990

Steven Deutsch, University of Sydney, Australia, Sociology
Janet Wasko, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Chemistry
Patricia Wand, Various Institutions, Ecuador, Library Science
Jane DeGidio, University of Swaziland, Eswatini, Education
Morton Gernsbacher, Max Planck Institute fur Psycholinguistik, Netherlands, Psychology
Bryan Downes, University of Auckland, New Zealand, Public Administration
Nancy Marwin, University of Gdansk, Poland, Linguistics
Geraldine Moreno-Black, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, Anthropology

1988 - 1989

Paul Hummasti, The University of Tampere, Finland, History
Andrzej Proskurowski, University of Helsinki, Finland, Computer Science
John Nicols, University of Heidelberg, Germany, History
Stephen Fickas, Hungarian Academy Of Sciences, Hungary, Computer Science
Patricia Rounds, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary, Linguistics
Martha Schweitz, Kyushu University & Seinan Gakuin University, Japan, Law

1987 - 1988

Randi Birn, Ecole Normale Superieure, Cameroon, Language
David Anthony, National University of Lesotho, Lesotho, History
Jerry Williams, Taiwan, Theater Arts

1986 - 1987

Ellen Seiter, University of Tuebingen, Germany, Communications
Barbara Pickett, Italy, Arts
Thomas (Talmy) Givon, University of Auckland, New Zealand, Linguistics
Patricia Gwartney-Gibbs, University of Auckland, New Zealand, Sociology
Terry Moore, Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism, Peru, Environmental Sciences
Peter Gilkey, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Mathematics

1985 - 1986

Glen Love, University of Tubingen, Germany, Literature
Harry Wolcott, Kasetsart University & Chiang Mai University, Thailand, Anthropology
William Bradshaw, Imperial College, United Kingdom, Biology

1984 - 1985

Fruim Yurevich, University of Poitiers, France, Language
Peter Bergquist, University of Munich, Germany, Music
Donald Tull, University of Cologne, Germany, Business
Bruce Joyce, National Council of Educational Research, India, Education
Geraldine Moreno-Black, University of Indonesia, Indonesia, Anthropology
Allan Winkler, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, History
Peter Jusczyk, Poland, Psychology
William Ayres, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, Anthropology
Thomas Dyke, Oxford University, United Kingdom, Chemistry

1983 - 1984

John Toelken, University of Tubingen, Germany, Language
Fred Andrews, University of Jordan, Jordan, Mathematics
G Brown, Federal University of Technology, Nigeria, Architecture
Jon Jacobson, University of Oslo, Norway, Law
Gordon Matzke, University of Zambia, Zambia, Geography

1982 - 1983

M Kays, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Geology
Barbara Mossberg, University of Helsinki, Finland, Literature
Christer Mossberg, University of Helsinki, Finland, Literature
John Postlethwait, (CNRS) Exact and Natural Science, France, Biology
Frederick Newberry, Georgia, Literature
John Haislip, University of Tubingen, Germany, Language
Ralph Salisbury, Germany, Literature
Jan Zach, Banaras Hindu University, India, Arts
Larry Irvin, Nigeria, Psychology

1981 - 1982

William Calin, University of Poitiers, France, Language
Carl Malmgren, University of Rouen, France, Literature
John Lukacs, University of Mainz, Germany, Anthropology

1980 - 1981

Charles Curtis, Australia, Mathematics
Richard Schmuck, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Education
Thomas Brady Jr, Germany, History
Christof Wegelin, Germany, Literature
William Loy, Trinity College, Ireland, Geography
Max Abbott, Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigacion y Docencia en Educacion Tecnica, Mexico, Education

1979 - 1980

Louise Wade, Deakin University, Australia, History
Stanley Pierson, University of Bonn, Germany, History
J Toelken, University of Freiburg, Germany, Language
Bruce Barnes, Trinity College, Ireland, Mathematics
Chulsoon Khang, Hankuk University, South Korea, Economics

1978 - 1979

L Zeigler, University of Sydney, Australia, Political Science
James O'Brien, University of Paris XI, France
James Kelly, University of Osnabruck, Germany, Psychology
Glen Love, University of Regensburg, Germany, Language
Edwin Bingham, Mysore University, India, History
John Lukacs, Poona University, India, Anthropology
John De Jung, University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka, Education
Theresa Ripley, Lund University, Sweden, Education

1977 - 1978

Charles Duncan, University of Queensland & Canberra College, Australia, Journalism
John Postlethwait, Salzburg University, Austria, Biology
George Wickes, University of Paris III, France, Literature
Edward Diller, University of Freiburg, Germany, Literature
Derry Malsch, University of Iceland, Iceland, Linguistics
James Nafziger, University of Mexico, Mexico, Law
Richard Castenholz, University of Oslo, Norway, Biology
Peter Swan, University of Oslo, Norway, Law
David Curland, University of Seville, Spain, History

1976 - 1977

Roger Chickering, Free University of Berlin, Germany, History
William Holser, Max Planck Institute, Germany, Geology
L Zeigler, Germany, Education
Fred Andrews, University College Cork, Ireland, Mathematics
Steven Deutsch, University of Ljubljana, Serbia, Social Sciences

1975 - 1976

Robert Berdahl, Max Planck Institute, Germany, History
Hans Linde, Germany, Law
Jon Jacobson, University of Oslo, Norway, Law

1974 - 1975

Eugenio Batista, Xavier Pontifical University, Colombia, Architecture
Clarence Thurber, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica, Public Administration
Andrew Bajer,  Louis Pasteur University I-Strasbourg, France, Biology
Stanley Greenfield, University of Regensburg, Germany, Literature
Edward Novitski, University of Leyden, Netherlands, Genetics
Donald Tull, University of Skopje & University of Nis, North Macedonia, Marketing
Lewis Goldberg, Istanbul University, Turkey, Psychology
Henry Goldstein, University of Sussex, United Kingdom, Economics

1973 - 1974

Rudolf Engel, University of Munich, Germany, Medical Sciences
Peter Gontrum, University of Mannheim, Germany, Literature
Robert Smith, Nagoya University, Japan, Labor/Industrial Relations
Stoddard Malarkey, University of Amman, Jordan, Literature
Donald Truax, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Mathematics

1972 - 1973

Roman Andrus, Turku School of Economics, Finland, Marketing
Clyde Patton, University of Metz, France, Environmental Sciences
Norman Sundberg, United States-India Educational Foundation, India, Area Studies
Leroy Klemm, University of Groningen, Netherlands, Chemistry
David Curland, Madrid, University of Madrid, Spain, Language
Daniel Weill, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, Chemistry

1971 - 1972

Francis Dart, University of Papua & New Guinea, Australia, Physics
Benjamin Wells Jr, Federico Santa María Technical University - Santiago, Chile, Mathematics
Sanford Tepper, University of Paris, France, Physiology
Virgil Boekelheide, University of Zagreb, Serbia, Chemistry

1970 - 1971

Benjamin Wells, State Technical University, Chile, Mathematics
Henry Fixott, University of Tehran, Iran, Dental Sciences
William Simpson, National University of Engineering & Catholic University, Peru, Chemistry

1969 - 1970

Fred Andrews, University of Tampere, Finland, Mathematics
Jack Rettig, University of Ghana, Ghana, Education
Elmer Hansen, Massey University, New Zealand, Religious Studies

1968 - 1969

Harlan Lefevre, Australian National University, Australia, Physics
Douglas Buck, School of Dentistry & Central University, Ecuador, Dental Sciences
Raymond Birn, University of Paris, France, Language
Robert Dubin, London Grad. School of Business Studies, United Kingdom, Labor/Industrial Relations

1967 - 1968

Joel McClure Jr, University of Bordeaux, France, Physics
Edward Diller, TH Braunschweig, Germany, History
Frederick Kanfer, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany, Psychology
Hans Linde, University of Freiburg, Germany, Law
Waldo McNeir, University of Muenster, Germany, Literature
James McWilliams, University of Frankfurt, Germany, Literature
Ray Hyman, University of Bologna, Italy, Psychology
Cecil Pascal, University of Rome, Italy, Literature
Barry Siegel, Belgrade University, Serbia, Economics

1966 - 1967

Alan Robb, University of the Andes, Colombia, Drama/Theater Arts
Charles Schleicher, Indian School of International Studies, India, Political Science
Norman Rickles, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Dental Sciences
Francis Dart, U.S. Educational Foundation in Nepal, Nepal, Physics
Lewis Goldberg, Catholic University, Netherlands, Psychology
Robert Allen, University of Salamanca & University of Barcelona, Spain, Economics

1965 - 1966

Vernon Sprague, University of Melbourne & University of Tasmania & University of Queensland, Australia, Education
Corwin Edwards, University of Frankfurt, Germany, Economics
Norman Sundberg, National Council of Educational Research and Training, India, Psychology
Lucian Marquis, University of Turin, Italy, Political Science

1964 - 1965

Alan Robb, University of the Andes, Colombia, Drama/Theater Arts
Raymond Mikesell, France, Economics
Clyde Patton, University of Strasbourg, France, Geography
Waldo McNeir, University of Marburg, Germany, Literature
Gunther Schmitt, University of Freiburg, Germany, Pharmacology
Lloyd Sorenson, University of Tubingen, Germany, History
Clifford Constance, University of Tehran, Iran, Education
Robert Baker, University of Trieste, Italy, Literature
Richard Noyes, Victoria University, New Zealand, Chemistry
Ernest Lund, University of Peshawar, Pakistan, Geology
Ernest Hixon, National University of San Marcos, Peru, Dental Sciences
Paul Earls, Ankara Conservatory of Music, Turkey, Music
James Hall, United Kingdom, Literature
Dean Latourell, School of Architecture, United Kingdom, Architecture
Ann Cooper, University of Saigon, Vietnam, Language
David Cooper, University of Saigon, Vietnam, Language

1963 - 1964

Raymond Wales, University of Kabul, Afghanistan, Journalism
Horace Robinson, University of Turku (Abo Academy), Finland, Drama/Theater Arts
Robert Dubin, University of Munich, Germany, Sociology
Kenneth Zankel, University of Heidelberg, Germany, Physics
Wendel Stephenson, University of Delhi, India, History
J Carlson, University of Tehran, Iran, Psychology
Earl Pomeroy, Bologna Center of Johns Hopkins University, Italy, History
Joel Berreman, University of the Panjab, Pakistan, Sociology

1962 - 1963

Charles Schleicher, University of Delhi, India, Political Science
Kenneth Ghent, University of Dacca, Pakistan, Mathematics
Kenneth Wood, Ministry of Education, Turkey, Linguistics

1961 - 1962

George Andrews, Finnish Institute of Technology, Finland, Architecture
Rudolf Engel, University of Hamburg, Germany, Medical Sciences
W E Goodman, Rajasthan University, India, Library Science
John McCloskey, Kerala University & Lucknow University, India, Literature
Robert Campbell, University College, Ireland, Economics
Leona Tyler, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Education
Ernest Lund, University of Karachi, Pakistan, Geology
Marion Ross, National University, Paraguay, History

1960 - 1961

Clarke Harrison, Universities of Melbourne and Western Australia, Australia, Education
Donald Du Shane, National University, Colombia, Education
Stanley Bryan, Finnish Institute of Technology, Finland, Architecture
Lester Seligman, Hebrew University, Israel, History
Ramsay MacMullen, American Academy in Rome, Italy, Anthropology
Wallace Baldinger, National College of Arts, Pakistan, Art History
Lucian Marquis, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, History

1959 - 1960

Gene Martin, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Geology
William Livingston, University of Melbourne, Australia, Medical Sciences
Ewart Baldwin, University of Dacca, Pakistan, Geology
Wendell Stephenson, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, History

1958 - 1959

Horace Robinson, University of Melbourne, Australia, Education
Robert Smith, University College, Ireland, History
Chandler Beall, University of Rome, Italy, Language

1957 - 1958

Marshall Snyder, Royal Dental College, Denmark, Biology
Lloyd Sorenson, Free University of Berlin, Germany, History

1956 - 1957

David Hatch, State Training College for Teachers, Burma (Myanmar), Arts
John Brookhart, University of Pisa, Italy, Physiology

1955 - 1956

Edmund Cykler, University of Innsbruck, Austria, Music
William Laughlin, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Anthropology
Christof Wegelin, George August University, Germany, History
Kenneth Wood, University of Oslo, Norway, Medical Sciences
Joel Berreman, University of Philippines, Philippines, Sociology
Paul Kleinsorge, University of Malaya, Singapore, Economics
Robert Leeper, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, Psychology
C Ward Macy, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, Economics

1954 - 1955

Kenneth Porter, University of Melbourne, Australia, History
Theodore Stern, University of Rangoon, Burma (Myanmar), Linguistics
Frederick Combellack, University of Athens, Greece
Charles Schleicher, Allahabad University, India, International Relations
Arthur Scaman, University of Oslo, Norway, Medical Sciences

1953 - 1954

Arthur Pap, University of Vienna, Austria, Philosophy
Bertram Jessup, University of Heidelberg, Germany, Philosophy
Hugh Wood, David Hare Training College, India, Education
Robert Dow, University of Pisa, Italy, Medical Sciences
Bradley Scheer, Naples Zoological Station, Italy, Zoology
Frederick Cuthbert, Auckland University College, New Zealand, Architecture

1952 - 1953

Mark Sponenburgh, American Research Center, Egypt, Archaeology
Quirinus Breen, University of Florence, Italy, Religious Studies

1951 - 1952

Mark Sponeburgh, American Research Center, Egypt, Archaeology
David Whitlock, University of Pisa, Italy, Physiology

1950 - 1951

Esther Huffman, University of Rome, Italy, Arts
P Van Rysselberghe, Polytechnic Institute, Italy, Chemistry
Paul Means, University of Malaya, Malaysia, History

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